Il Motore Immobile

Acrylic, paper and object on canvas and wood
50×120 cm

Life is the product of interactions between two streams: the first is "the chaos", random events, like a sea in eternal mutation whose movements are endless.

The another stream is the motionless engine, a decided fate. Maybe a simple canvas of already written stories, as if everything was already predetermined above. The interaction between these two powers creates the daily routine, an endless waver among aims and insurmountable situations.

In this scenery the short story of a woman is described in three stages. Blindfolded and tied to the mast of his ship, unaware of what is happening and what will happen in the future. With her wrists tied, totally defenseless facing strongest events, everything escape to her control.

Soon the situation throw down. The woman is offshore, swept away by the waves, now her life is trouble.

Until, an wave higher than the others lift the woman, saving her. She is tired but she has a new opportunity to restart and change her life for the better. She has finally learned to ride the waves.

© 2020 Barbara Simone. Via Ricasoli 38, Bisceglie - BARI - APULIA  P.IVA  07884020723
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